Friday, November 25, 2011

Buttercream Cake and a Life Challenge

Three weeks ago was buttercream and sponge cakes.  It was a very frustrating week.  Buttercream is super hard to work with because it melts really easily in your hands since its butter and also because it shows every little mistake.  We were only given a little amount of time to practice before putting it on a real cake.  We made three layers: 1) white sponge cake with vanilla buttercream, 2) chocolate sponge cake with chocolate buttercream, and 3) yellow sponge cake with coffee buttercream.  We covered them in buttercream and then were given certain techniques and designs that we had to put on our cake.  It was a very hard because piping is very much a learned skill.  We were only given a certain amount of time to complete the cake and so that only made it that much harder.  I started out piping and scraping it off when I hated the outcome but towards the end, I just basically had to speed through it so I was forced to put up with my piping.  I was really upset with the outcome of each individual piping technique but once it was completed I was actually pretty pleased with how it turned out.  I’m definitely more critical of myself than I should be.  I mean this is the first time I’m doing a bunch of this stuff and so I’m learning to accept that my cake will not look like my chef’s cake.  Chef Scott said he was actually very pleased with my piping and that I should be surer of myself.  Although he did point out that my cake was leaning quite a bit so basically I am not very good at cutting, filling, and/or stacking the cake to make it even. 
Also seeing as the cake was going to serve quite a few people considering it was a three tiered cake, I was able to share the wealth.  On the way home the man manning the train ticket place jokingly asked for a slice so I cut him up a slice.  Then as I was near my home, a homeless man asked if he could help me with the cake (eating I’m sure), so I told him I would go home and bring him back a few slices.  He was so excited when I actually came back with 10 slices and he said I was the “angel of the week” and that I had just provided him his week’s meals.  I kept feeling called to help this man on the street since I pass him every day but money is always sketchy to give since you have no idea where it is being spent but food is always helpful.  I think I’m going to start bring him breakfast on my way out of the house, even if it’s just a bowl of oatmeal.  The sermon that week was absolutely phenomenal, probably the best one I’ve heard from Pastor Moody at College Church.  He spoke on Ecclesiastes 5 and how it says not to tell God you will do something if you aren’t going to follow through.  When I became a Christian, I was committing to live as Christ did.  That seems like me telling God I would do something.  So how can I pass a homeless man on the street and not do anything about it?  Didn’t Jesus say, “Whatever you did for the least of these you have done for me”?  So I must act on my promise to God and I shall start by helping this homeless man.  I hope that is a challenge for all of us.

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